Dear Backgammon friends,
Our next Fourth Friday tournament takes place on
Friday, August 26
19:45 pairings
20:00 start first round
!! new venue !!
Bridge Club Pieterman, Koning Leopold I-straat 19, 3000 Leuven
Parking in Leuven between 19:00 and 7:00 for €3 only: Parking Supercity, Parking De Bond, Minckelersparking, or Parking Heilig Hart.
When you enter the building, go up the stairs. We play in the room in the middle of the (very long) corridor.
Tournament director will be Nader (, +32 488 09 92 13). Please let him know if you plan to join.
Tournament format: Swiss, 4 rounds, 5-point matches, with clock
Registration fee: €2 (free for BCL members)
First prize for the evening’s winner kindly offered by the club.
The tournament is also stage 8 out of 12 of our Club Championship 2016. Who will succeed Guy Van Middelem, winner of 2015?