Individual tournament
Ranking after round 7 of 9th Leuven Open No. PNo. Name Score WP SB PS -------------------------------------------------------- 1. 13 Serge Alard 6.0 27.0 21.00 27.0 20 Guy Van Middelem 6.0 24.0 20.00 21.0 3. 15 Kristoffer De Weert 5.0 26.0 18.00 18.0 14 Paul van Dijke 5.0 24.0 16.00 20.0 12 Nader K. Rad 5.0 21.0 14.00 15.0 22 Leonidas Sotiriadis 5.0 21.0 13.00 16.0 7. 32 Johan Segers 4.0 30.0 13.00 19.0 4 Johan Brisaert 4.0 27.0 14.00 19.0 21 Luc Palmans 4.0 25.0 14.00 17.0 31 Ronny Conaert 4.0 25.0 10.00 21.0 6 Christof Nuyttens 4.0 24.5 13.00 11.0 2 Henri Pollet 4.0 24.0 16.00 14.0 8 Rudy Bertels 4.0 24.0 11.00 17.0 23 Akbar Soltani 4.0 23.0 12.00 15.0 5 Sonja Custers 4.0 20.5 8.00 10.0 16. 29 Zsolt Tasnadi 3.0 31.0 9.00 16.0 28 Michel Lamote 3.0 28.0 10.00 11.0 26 Jalal Pourmousavi 3.0 26.0 9.00 17.0 18 Dan Pascu 3.0 25.0 9.00 12.0 7 Jan Wildiers 3.0 23.0 9.00 14.0 25 Liliane Baptista 3.0 23.0 9.00 13.0 27 Alain Chif 3.0 22.0 8.00 11.0 3 Sassan Kachanian 3.0 21.0 6.00 8.0 16 Mahir Yalçin 3.0 20.0 5.00 11.0 17 Riza Yalçin 3.0 17.0 6.00 6.0 26. 11 Paulus van Rooijen 2.0 31.0 9.00 13.0 30 Dominique Segue 2.0 27.0 8.00 12.0 1 Marc Van Haverbeke 2.0 26.0 5.00 9.0 19 Metin Ates 2.0 25.0 4.00 5.0 10 Odette Vanhorenbeek 2.0 18.0 3.00 3.0 31. 9 Charly Gibuin 1.0 27.0 4.00 7.0 24 Fakhri Soltani 1.0 23.0 2.00 7.0
Both Serge Alard and Guy Van Middelem scored 6 victories in 7 matches, and Guy won the mutual encounter. However, the tie-break rule fixed for the tournament was Buchholz, and so Serge came out on top. Congratulations to Serge!
For the detailed results per round, please consult the rating list (select “Leuven Open 2017” in the event menu).
Fonske challenge
For the Fonske challenge, there were three teams: Brugge, Brussels, and Leuven. For each team, the average number of points per player was calculated:
- Brugge: 4/7
- Leuven: 3.714/7
- Brussels: 3.5/7
A fine performance by the Brugge quartet: Michel Lamote, Guy Van Middelem, Paul van Dijke and Paulus van Rooijen. We hope you enjoyed the speculaas and the peperkoek.
Vesalius challenge
Only two players participated: Michel Lamote and Guy Van Middelem. Michel had the better PR: well played!