No. PNo. Name R1 R2 R3 R4 CB Score ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 5 Rad Nader 3b1 7w1 4b1 6b1 -2 4 2. 4 Pollet Henri 8w1 2b1 5w0 3b1 0 3 3. 3 Van Haverbeke Marc 5w0 6w1 7b1 4w0 2 2 1 De Weert Kristoffer 2w0 8b0 6w1 7b1 0 2 5. 8 Debus Eric 4b0 1w1 - - 0 1 2 Van Middelem Guy 1b1 4w0 - - 0 1 7 Salasi Fakhri 6b1 5b0 3w0 1w0 0 1 8. 6 Soltani Akbar 7w0 3b0 1b0 5w0 0 0
For the first time, we played in one of the rooms of the Bridge Club Pieterman (Leuven). Congratulations to Nader, organising and winning the tournament! In the 2016 club championship ranking, Kristoffer fortifies his lead.