There were 14 players this time, including two new players, Geert and Philip (from Duffel and Brussels respectively), which we’d like to welcome to our club.
For the first time, there was no squash games in the building, and we could even hear the dice rolling on the board! A very relaxing evening for all of us.
This concluded our matches for Spring, and the winner is Johan Segers.
Johan and Alain both had 67 points for Sprint, but since Johan already have a win against Alain, he was considered the overall winner for the season. Congratulations Johan!
On the second Sunday of December, Johan will play in the finals against Nader, the winner of Winter games, and the future winner of Autumn.
The next games are scheduled as follows:
- Leuven Monthly 7: 23/09/2018
- Leuven Monthly 8: 28/10/2018
- Leuven Monthly 9: 25/11/2018
- Finals: 09/12/2018