Everybody welcome for our next tournament, on Sunday, March 20, 2022, in Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 115, 3012 Wilsele.
Free entry, no registration required. Just be on time: 12:45. We play five 5-point matches, with doubling cube and clock. Playing starts at 13:00 sharp. The tournament is expected to be finished by 18:30.
Tournament participants automatically take part in the Leuven Club Championship 2022. This Sunday’s event will be the third and final leg of the Winter season. At stake is a spot in the semi-finals in December.
PS1: Optional: matches between BGFed.be members (only 10 euro per year) count for the national rating list.
PS2: If you can’t wait until Sunday to play some live backgammon, then you can already go to Ghent on Tuesday evening and to Brussels on Wednesday evening. More info on BGFed.be.