1 | Chif | 44 |
2 | Tasnadi | 44 |
3 | Segers | 44 |
4 | Van Middelem | 36 |
5 | Aries | 36 |
2014 | Van Herreweghen |
2013 | De Wilde |
2012 | Lamote |
2011 | Lamote |
2010 | De Wilde |
2009 | Van Herreweghen |
2014 | Tasnadi |
2013 | Segers |
2012 | Van Herreweghen |
2011 | De Wilde |
11 participants, 110 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Johan.
Unranked (2 CP): Geert Dooms, Irfan Isik, Henri Pollet, Zsolt Tasnadi, Guy Van Middelem.
Even before the start of the final, Toon was already certain of the title, Guy being eliminated in the last chance. Congratulations to Toon, who won two of the twelve tournaments and who also largely won the largest number of matches.
Noteworthy was Guy's sportmanship, encouraging Paulus and Zsolt to postpone their match in the Belgian Individual Championship and join the tournament instead, augmenting the number of championship points at stake and increasing Toon's chances to overtake Guy. However, with Toon's tournament victory and Guy's elimination in the last chance, this finally did not make a difference.
A warm welcome finally to Irfan, who got in contact with the backgammon club at the occasion of Zocalo and Leuven Autovrij 2012. We're looking forward to see him and his friend Niazi in the future!
8 participants, 80 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Johan.
Unranked (2 CP): Alain Chif, Guy Van Middelem.
Congratulations to Patrick, Club Champion 2011, for this victory!
Virtually no changes at the top, Johan (188 CP) slightly reducing the gap to leaders Guy (224 CP) and Toon (205 CP). With just 1 tournament to go, Guy is cruising for the title, unless Toon (or Johan?) can pull some magic dice out of his sleeve. Looking forward to the grand finale on Friday, December 28!
12 participants, 120 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Johan.
Unranked (2 CP): Alain Chif, Marius Hentea, Henri Pollet, Steven Steeno, Liévin van den Plas, Marc Van Haverbeke.
We were especially happy to welcome new player Marius Hentea.
With only 2 tournaments to go, Guy (222 CP) is the favorite for the title. But Toon (203 CP) is following closely, and theoretically, even Johan (178 CP) could still make it.
13 participants, 130 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Geert Dooms.
Unranked (2 CP): Nabil Antoun, Geert Dooms, Michel Lamote, Henri Pollet, Fakhri Salasi, Akbar Soltani, Steven Steeno, Lieve Stroobants.
We were especially happy to welcome new player Nabil Antoun.
At the top in the ranking, Toon has overcome Guy (201 vs. 196 CP). At a large distance is Johan (164 CP), followed, again at some distance, by Michel (128 CP) and Zsolt (126 CP). Still 3 tournaments to go to decide who will be BGLeuven's 2012 champ!
Backgammon is een eeuwenoud spel, ontstaan in het oude Perzië. Het bevat elementen van strategie, tactiek, en geluk. In Griekenland en Turkije zie je het overal op straat, gespeeld door jong en oud, door mannen en vrouwen. De Backgammon Club Leuven hoopt het spel ook bij ons een bredere bekendheid te geven en introduceerde daarom, zoals tijdens de editie van Leuven Autovrij 2011, backgammon in het Leuvense straatbeeld.
Tot onze blijdschap voelden enkele kinderen zich aangesproken door het spel. Kleine Olivio en zijn mama Sylvia speelden het spel voor het eerst, net zoals de twee vriendinnen Luca en Sophie. Olivio bleef nog zitten voor enkele spelletjes tegen anderen, en als klap op de vuurpijl passeerde net zijn klasgenootje Eli, die dan ook maar meteen het spel leerde!
Maar vele mensen bleken het spel, of één van de vele varianten ervan, reeds te kennen. Voor de geïnteresseerden organizeerden we mini-toernooitjes, met als prijs een fles bio-wijn, een zakje bio-chips, enzovoort.
Om ons te beschermen tegen het weer hadden we een tent voorzien, verzwaard met enkele betonblokken. Die laatste waren geen luxe, want bij momenten rukte de wind stevig aan ons tentje! Voor Biggammon, ons 3m x 4m outdoor backgammonbord, was het te nat.
Maar 'Never judge a day by the weather'. Wij hebben ons erg geamuseerd, en we durven te hopen dat degenen die ons tentje bezocht hebben er enkele leuke momenten beleefd hebben.
Grote dank aan Geert en Marc voor de opbouw, aan Lieve, Ward en Sam voor hun enthousiaste aanwezigheid, aan Toon, Christof en Sonja voor de speluitleg aan de passanten, aan Liévin voor de logistieke hulp, en aan Nadia voor de voorbereidingen en het transport. Dank tenslotte aan het Netwerk Duurzaam Leuven, organisator van Leuven Autovrij, voor de mogelijkheid om ons te presenteren en voor de subsidies.
11 participants, 110 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Steven Steeno.
Unranked (2 CP): Alain Chif, Geert Dooms, Michel Lamote, Henri Pollet, Fakhri Salasi.
10 participants, 100 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
The tournament was led by Patrick De Wilde, replacing Johan Segers, on holiday.
Marc Van Haverbeke was absent, recovering from a bike accident. We wish him a speedy recovery!
Congratulations to Steven for his first tournament victory!
Unranked (2 CP): Geert Dooms, Henri Pollet, Fakri Salasi, Akbar Soltani.
13 participants, 130 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
Unranked: Patrick de Wilde, Geert Dooms, Michel Lamote, Walter Meuwis, Henri Pollet, Steven Steeno, Paul van Dijke.
Backgammon in the picture tijdens de persconferentie voor Leuven Autovrij op zondag 26 augustus 2012. Foto van Isabel Van Tendeloo voor Het Nieuwsblad. De man in het midden met de grote gele dobbelsteen is Leuven's schepen van Leefmilieu, Mohamed Ridouani (SP.A). Op de achtergrond, geheel incognito, twee leden van de club.
With 14 participants, there were 14 * 10 = 140 championship points to be distributed in the May edition of our 2012 club championship. The points were to be divided among the first five places according to the percentages 40%, 20%, 20%, 10%, 10%, giving 140 = 56 + 28 + 28 + 14 + 14 for the winner and loser of the main, winner and loser of the consolation, and winner of the last chance. As usual, all participants were also to receive a participation bonus of 2 points.
Absent because playing in Germany was Brugge's Michel Lamote, who lead the ranking after the April edition with 122 championship points. This was the perfect moment for the next players in the ranking to make a leap forward: Toon Van Herreweghen (78), Johan Segers (76), Zsolt Tasnadi (54) and Patrick De Wilde (also 54).
The favourites did what was expected from them: Zsolt and Toon met in the semi-final after defeating Luc Palmans, Marc Van Haverbeke, Henri Pollet and Alain Chif. Johan and Patrick met already in the quarter-final after defeating Geert Dooms and Georgio Stravakis. Toon overcame Zsolt and Johan won from Patrick, twice turning the tables from an almost desperate situation. Johan went on winning from Lieve to meet Toon in the final. A quick double and redouble ended in a race won by Johan. Toon hoped to repeat his achievement against Alain, coming back from trailing 0-4 Crawford, but the dice decided otherwise, Johan winning another race, the match, and the tournament.
Still, Zsolt took maximum profit from the consolation, defeating Guy Van Middelem and Alain, securing the third place. Patrick's evening ended more quickly: a doubled gammon against Luc ended his short stay in the consolation, and Henri took away Patrick's last chance.
In the final of the last chance, Guy had his revenge from the loss in the main against Lieve Stroobants, grabbing the last bit of championship points to be divided that evening. This was not the only repeated clash from the evening: Steven Steeno defeated Henri twice, first in the consolation and a second time in the last chance.
We were very happy to see Ilyas Essadek again, after a three-month journey in India, Nepal, and other countries.
11 participants, 110 championship points (CP) to be divided. In addition, each player received a 2 CP participation bonus.
Unranked: Marc Van Haverbeke, Lieve Stroobants, Johan Segers, Alain Chif, Steven Steeno.
13-point matches, clock (Bronstein, 26 minutes + 12 seconds per move)
1-point matches, 9 participants, round-robin, no clock
S F P L A J GvM M GD ---------------------------------------------------------- Steven STEENO . S P S A J GvM M S 3/8 Fakhri SALASI S . P L F J GvM M F 2/8 Patrick DE WILDE P P . L A P GvM P GD 4/8 Lieve STROOBANTS S L L . L L GvM L GD 5/8 Akhbar SOLTANI A F A L . A GvM A A 5/8 Johan SEGERS J J P L A . J J GD 4/8 Guy VAN MIDDELEM GvM GvM GvM GvM GvM J . M GvM 6/8 Marc VAN HAVERBEKE M M P L A J M . M 4/8 Geert DOOMS S F GD GD A GD GvM M . 3/8
Report from tournament director Johan Segers.
We were most happy to see Mr and Miss Soltani again, who participated in the Leuven Open 2009. Moreover, there were two new faces, Geert Dooms and Steven Steeno. All four of them were offered a welcome drink by the club.
With 12 participants, we played a main / consolation / last-chance tournament with 4 byes in the first round of the main, two of which went to Miss Soltani and Geert. The other two newcomers were treated less gently: Mr Soltani was sent to the consolation by Marc Van Haverbeke and Steven suffered the same fate from the hands of Zsolt Tasnadi.
The two leaders in the championship point ranking, Michel Lamote and Johan Segers, met already in the first round. By steering for simple holding-running games and rolling high racing numbers at the right moment, underdog Johan managed to beat favourite Michel. In the meantime, Toon Van Herreweghen had defeated Guy Van Middelem.
In the second round of the main, newcomers Miss Soltani and Geert were kindly sent to the consolation by Johan and Zsolt, respectively. Patrick De Wilde, bye in the first round, overtook Marc by a skilfully played mass backgame, that is, a backgame with three points in the opponent's home board. Liévin Vandenplas, the fourth bye, was powerless against the united forces of Toon and the dice.
In the semi-finals, Patrick defeated Johan and Zsolt won from Toon. Three victories were not enough for Zsolt, who subsequently won the final against Patrick, his first tournament victory in the Leuven Club Championship. Congratulations, Zsolt!
In the consolation, Michel had to start bottom-up. After defeating Geert and Liévin, he met Johan again. In a simple race, Johan badly miscounted the pips and offered a ridiculously early cube. However, Lady Luck gave Johan her lovely smile gain, and Johan got his ticket for the final of the consolation. His opponent, Toon, was thirsty for the victory and played aggressively, slotting points and attacking blots without a second thought, or, judging by the speed at which he played, maybe even without a first thought too. Toon's tactics worked well and by midnight, Johan, beaten into submission, had to offer his resignation.
Down in the last chance, Michel and Guy got rid of their lower-ranked opponents in some sharp-edged one-pointers to decide in the final who would grab the last handful of championship points to be earned. When the smoke had cleared, only Guy stood up, completing the podium. Michel would quickly overcome his disappointing result and win the Rotterdam Supersunday two days later.
Because of Johan's and Toon's progress and Michel's standstill, a compact group of three players has formed at the top. But the championship is still in its early phase, and as Zsolt proved, a single tournament victory is enough to make big progress in the ranking. See you on April 27 for the next episode!
Report from tournament director Johan Segers.
With a field of no less than 12 players, the conditions were met for a fine backgammon evening, following the main/consolation/last-chance format. New player Jean Dusquesne profited from a bye in the first round but had to experience the force of Hasselt Gammonator Luc Palmans, who had already defeated Alain Chif, the losing finalist of the January tournament. Georgio Stavrakis came to Leuven for the second time, but Dan Pascu blocked his way. Liévin Vandenplas, "patron" of the University Snooker and Pool, participated for the first time since a long period of inactivity, but Patrick De Wilde showed no mercy. Zsolt Tasnadi fought back from trailing 0-4 to Johan Segers, winning the match 5-4 by a doubled gammon in the post-Crawford game, only to lose his match to Toon Van Herreweghen via a doubled gammon himself. Michel Lamote defeated first Dan and then Luc, to eventually win the final to Toon, who had won the semi-final from Patrick. Congratulations and thanks to Michel, coming from Bruges to participate in the Leuven Club Championship for the second time this year. His efforts pay off, for he firmly takes the lead in the Championship Points race, with the added bonus of some well-deserved rating points.
In the consolation, Dan battered his way up, defeating Johan, Liévin, Patrick, and, in the final, Guy, who had himself won from Alain, Georges, and Luc. The two finalists of the last chance, Zsolt and Johan, also paved their way with a string of victories. The last chance final itself saw Zsolt defending a backgame holding Johan's ace, deuce, and five points. However, timing problems forced Zsolt to abandon Johan's five point, after which Johan managed to construct a full six-point prime in front of Zsolt's two remaining backgame points. Zsolt's army being split in two, his home board crunched beyong repair, and Johan secured the last of February's Championship Points to be earned.
Will the Leuven players continue to tolerate the humiliation of Bruges player Michel overtaking their championship or will they fight back and show him who's the boss in the University? The story continues on March 23!
With six players present, we decided to try out the new 4 Cubes format. The two teams were formed with the dice: team "Leuven", Henri Pollet, Johan Segers and Marc Van Haverbeke, versus team "Brussels+", Alain Chif, Guy Van Middelem and Patrick De Wilde. The clash consisted of three rounds, 7-point matches, each player of team "Leuven" meeting each player of team "Brussels+" exactly once.
After round 1, the confrontation seemed all but over, with team "Brussels+" scoring 3 out of 3. However, team "Leuven" recovered fully, taking round 2 with the same score. The last round then had to bring the decision. Team "Brussels+" repeated its achievement of the first round and thereby won the battle 6-3.
The timing went well: although we started at 20:45, all matches were finished by 00:15. Clocks were used: 14 minutes per match plus 12 seconds per move. Nobody got in serious time trouble.
| "Leuven" | "Brussels+" | Henri Johan Marc | ------------+-------------------+----- Alain | L B B | 2/3 Guy | B L B | 2/3 Patrick | B B L | 2/3 ------------+-------------------+----- | 1/3 1/3 1/3 | B = "Brussels+" wins L = "Leuven" wins"
Report from tournament director Johan Segers.
At the start of our Club Championship 2012, we were happy to welcome two new players, Ilyas Essadek and Georgio Stavrakis, as well as two friends from Brugge, Isabelle Goeman and Michel Lamote, winner of the 3rd Leuven Open 2011. Expectations were high also for Patrick De Wilde, winner of the Club Championship 2011 and of the 2nd Leuven Open 2010, for Toon Van Herreweghen, winner of the 1st Leuven Open 2009 and the highest-ranked player from Leuven in the rating list. Further present were Guy Van Middelem, tournament director of the Brussels Friendly tournaments and the new 4 Cubes interclub competition, Brussels players Alain Chif and Zsolt Tasnadi, the tournament director of the Club Championship 2011 Marc Van Haverbeke, and the tournament director of the 2012 edition, Johan Segers.
With 11 players, the tournament format was a classical main/consolation/last-chance with 4 rounds in the main and 5 players being bye in the first round. With some effort and some luck, Johan overtook newcomer Ilyas. The other newcomer, Georges, was sent to the consolation by Brugge player Isabelle, while Toon won from Guy. Johan continued his path to the final by beating first Zsolt and next Michel, who had defeated Patrick. The other finalist was Alain, winning consecutively from Isabelle and Marc, who had beaten Toon. In the final, the winds blowed continuously at Johan's back as he sailed comfortably to the tournament victory.
The consolation culminated in a final between Michel and Marc, won by Michel, who had also beaten Toon. Marc had to overcome Georges, who had recovered from his initial loss in the main by defeating Zsolt and Guy. Ilyas won his match from Isabelle but then lost from Toon.
In the last chance, Isabelle was kicked out by Guy, who himself was sent home by Toon. Patrick, not winning a single match in the main nor in the consolation, reached the final of the last chance thanks to victories over Zsolt, Ilyas, and Georges. In the final of the last chance, Toon defeated Patrick, securing some precious championship points.
Thank you all for participating. Looking forward to the next tournament on February 24!
Full rankings on the Championship 2012 page.
With 7 participants for the first club evening of the year, we decided to try something else rather than the traditional round Robin with 3-point matches. We played 4 rounds in an incomplete round Robin of 5-point matches. The initial pairing was decided by the dice, and the person that couldn't play, the bye, met the winner of the first completed match, the loser of that match then waiting for the next opponent, etc. until everybody had played four matches. In this way, we could play 5-point matches rather than 3-point matches, with minimal waiting times in between matches.
Michel was the only one to win 3 out of 4 matches, confirming his status of rating leader. Congratulations!
J Ma Mi T H G P total ------------------------------------------ Johan - J . . J G P 2/4 Marc J - Ma . H . P 1/4 Michel . Ma - Mi . Mi Mi 3/4 Toon . . Mi - H T T 2/4 Henri J H . H - G . 2/4 Guy G . Mi T G - . 2/4 Patrick P P Mi T . . - 2/4