Metin Ates (Turkey) wins February’s Fourth Friday

No.  PNo.  Name                     R1   R2   R3   R4    Score
  1.    2  Metin Ates               4b1  1w1  6w1  5b1   4
  2.    4  Alain Chif               2w0  5b1  1b1  7w1   3
  3.    6  Liliane Baptista           +  3w1  2b0  1w0   2
        1  Johan Segers             5w1  2b0  4w0  6b1   2
        7  Nader K. Rad             3b0    +  5w1  4b0   2
  6.    3  Henri Pollet             7w1  6b0    -    -   1
  7.    5  Lieve Stroobants         1b0  4w0  7b0  2w0   0

Congratulations, Metin, and thank you for playing!

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Alain Chif wins first 4th Friday of 2016

Ranking and Games of Leuven’s Fourth Friday, January 22, 2016, in Café Sport:

No.  PNo.  Name                  R1    R2    R3    R4   Score
  1.    4  Alain Chif            5w1   6b1   1w1   8b1   4.0
  2.    1  Johan Segers          3w1   2b1   4b0   6w1   3.0
  3.    6  Guy Van Middelem      9b1   4w0  10b1   1b0   2.0
        8  Théo Sarmanidis       7w0   3b1   2w1   4w0   2.0
        2  Michel Lamote        10b1   1w0   8b0   5w1   2.0
       10  Eric Aries            2w0   7b1   6w0     +   2.0
        7  Henri Pollet          8b1  10w0   5b0   3w1   2.0
  8.    5  Liliane Baptista      4b0   9w0   7w1   2b0   1.0
        9  Marc Van Haverbeke    6w0   5b1     -     -   1.0
        3  Johan Swyngedouw      1b0   8w0     +   7b0   1.0
Alain's prize: tasty stuff from the Leuven area

Alain’s prize: tasty stuff from the Leuven area

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A new backgammon player is born

It was hot, very hot in ‘Den Engel’ op de tweede maandag van februari! Een nieuwe speler verpletterde met de één punters alle aanwezigen. Deze goedlachse sympathieke Jeroen werd zoals elke nieuwe speler met open armen ontvangen. Waarbij wij zelf in het begin dachten ‘ah, kan ik hem wat uitleg geven?’. Maar na nog geen uur kwam de twijfel op, rap gevolgd door de vaststelling dat onze Jeroen niet zomaar een beginneling was. Het werd nog erger of beter gezegd duidelijker wanneer hij op het einde van de avond met zijn rugzak breed glimlachend naar de vismarkt trok. En … wij met rode kaken achterbleven, wetende dat in ‘Den Engel’ een ‘new backgammon player’ was verrezen! Proficiat Jeroen.

Volgende spelers ondergingen Jeroen’s geweld; Johan Sw., Johan S., Marc, Gery, Nader en Henri.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
– Henri

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2nd Monday, February 8, 19:00-22:00, in ‘Den Engel’

Maandag 8 februari van 19.00 tot 22.00 uur zakken we weer af naar ‘Den Engel’ op de Grote Markt te Leuven om te backgammon(-en?).

Wie durft er zich wagen aan deze zeer ‘tricky’ 1 punters zonder klok en dubbelsteen? Wervelender als voetbal, met vlugge scores en rappere wissels van tegenstrevers. Zonder mechanische doping en spuwende toeschouwers als bij het veldrijden. Zonder grote uitspraken à la Trump en arrogante manieren à la Floyd Mayweather. Maar een gezellig onderonsje met liefde voor het spel en de hunkering naar de juiste worp die je nodig hebt om verrassend of berekend uit te halen.

Den Engel – 19 u – 8 februari – veel succes!

– Henri

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Fourth Fridays 2016 in Café Sport, Leuven

As of January 2016, the Fourth Friday tournaments will take place at Café Sport, Martelarenplein 13, 3000 Leuven. Café Sport is just opposite Leuven railway station, center side.

You can park your car cheaply and conveniently at the Parking De Bond, right under the railway station.

Next event: Friday, January 22, 2016 at 19:45.

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The Perfect Seven

Maandag 11 januari, 7u ‘s avond — we waren dan toch al met zeven de eerste keer in ‘De Engel’. Die ‘Zeven’ speelden op zijn duivels de ene wervelende één-punter na de andere. Johan Sw., Nader, Barnam, Johan S., Eric, Gery en Henri roteerden de hele avond door tot rond de klok van 10u ‘s avonds. Waarna iedereen met zijn bord in de hand of in de rugzak terug te voet of met de bus huiswaarts trok. Het was een gezellig onderonsje dat voor herhaling vatbaar is.

Oh ja, hoe kan het ook anders: de twee winnaars (Nader en Henri) van de avond behaalden ‘zeven’ punten, zeven het getal van de volmaaktheid.

Dus wie zin heeft kan zich de volgende keer weer begeven naar het centrum van de stad op de Grote Markt op 8 februari, in ‘Den Engel’ om zeven uur ‘s avonds!

— Henri

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Backgammon in Leuven op de 2e maandag – maandag 11 januari “In den Engel”

Beste backgammon vrienden,

In 2016 trekken we elke tweede maandag van de maand het centrum van Leuven binnen met een backgammon bord in onze rugzak.

Eerste editie is op maandag 11 januari vanaf 19.00 uur ‘In den Engel’ op de Grote Markt 15, één van de weinige overgebleven bruine cafés van de stad. In een gezellige sfeer willen onze liefde voor het bakspel tonen en delen met bekende en nieuwe gezichten.

We spelen losse partijtjes, zonder klok en verdubbelaar. Gammons (2 punten) en backgammons (3 punten) tellen mee. In ons doorschuifsysteem kan je om eender welk uur instappen en kan iedereen tegen iedereen spelen.

Breng gerust ook een vriend of vriendin mee, ook als die het spel nog niet zo goed kent. We leggen de regels graag nog eens uit en geven met plezier tips voor beter spel.

We beginnen om 19.00 uur. Wie verzamelt tot 22.00 uur de meeste punten?

Na nog een geestrijk parléke en drankje keren we dan te voet of met de fiets, bus of auto weer huiswaarts.

Met hartelijke groeten,
– Henri

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Guy Van Middelem becomes the 2015 Champion

Fourteen participants gathered for the last leg of the 2015 Club Championship, lured by the chance of witnessing an exciting finale (with three players having a realistic chance to win the title) and enjoying a pre-tournament dinner.

One week after winning the Belgian Individual Championship (BIC), Michel Lamote honoured us with his company. He quickly made it clear that he is the number-one in Belgium for a reason: in the first two rounds he defeated Johan and Guy, the two favorites to win the championship. Thereby he did a big favour to Zsolt who, benefiting from an easier draw, registered two wins.

After two rounds, the championship was thus still completely open but both Johan and Zsolt had to win the remaining matches to secure the title. However, both of them lost to their fellow club members in the third round: Johan was beaten by Henri while Zsolt lost to Leonidas. As a result, independently from the outcome of his last two matches, Guy became champion. By winning his last match, Zsolt secured the second place while tournament director Johan finished third. Congratulations! [Full results]

In five years, Guy became the fifth club champion. Overall, 39 players participated in at least one of the 12 tournaments of the 2015 championship. The competition was very tight throughout the year: no single player had an advantage of more than 4 points at any point in time. We hope to see similar excitement next year.

The December tournament was won by Leonidas who managed to stop Michel in the final.

A checker play dilemma

Michel Lamote (White, 0/5) vs Johan Segers (Black, 3/5). Black to play 31.

Michel Lamote (White, 0/5) vs Johan Segers (Black, 3/5). Black to play 31.

This position is from the match of Johan and Michel. Michel had to fight back from 0:3. At the score of 3:3, Johan doubled at the first opportunity but soon found himself behind a 6-prime. Both players played at world class level but in the end, under time pressure, some mistakes occured. At this position, Johan could not resist making his 5-point (8/5* 6/5) although it is more important to anchor (note that Johan is leading in the race so he can have some racing chances once the prime is broken) and to let Michel enter as soon as possible and thereby preserve timing. According to computer analysis, the best play is 23/22 7/4.

— ZT

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Guy Van Middelem is Leuven’s Club Champion 2015

Congratulations to Guy! For a short story and a picture of the winner, see Zsolt’s post “Guy van Middelem wins the Leuven Club Championship”. Detailed results at the online spreadsheet: Club Championship 2015.

Thank you to Zsolt for the monthly stories, each time with an interesting position. Thank you also to all participants. I’d like to mention Alain in particular, who participated at all twelve Fourth Friday tournaments of 2015.

In 2016, the sixth edition of the Leuven Club Championship will take place. As usual, we’ll meet on the evening of the Fourth Friday of each month. I’ll do my best to run things in such a way that the tournament doesn’t finish too late.

Next event: Friday, January 22, 2016.

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Showdown on 23 December

Eight participants gathered for November’s Fourth Friday tournament (Nov 27), including the first six players of the championship ranking and new player Nikos Halkias.

As we are getting close to the end of this year’s championship, each match is of particular importance. The high stakes didn’t bother Guy who was the only undefeated player after 2 rounds and we suddenly realized he can win the championship already in November. However, it wasn’t meant to be that way: he was defeated by Johan in the 3rd round so the title will be decided in December.

Guy Van Middelem (White) vs Zsolt Tasnadi (Black), 2-3 in a 5-point match. Guy to play 33.

Guy Van Middelem (White) vs Zsolt Tasnadi (Black), 2-3 in a 5-point match. Guy to play 33.

In the last round, Guy played Zsolt and, after loosing an unlucky backgammon, he was trailing 2:3. In the attached position, Guy (playing white) rolled 33. It is tempting to play 13/10(3) 6/3 but white has to realize that even after playing this roll, he is behind in the race. Therefore, it is better to clear the 8-point and wait for a shot while black is likely to destroy his board. Guy took his time but played correctly.

This was a crucial match; if Zsolt had won, there would be a triple tie between Guy, Johan and Zsolt. However, Guy prevailed which means that he continues to lead the championship ranking, 4 points ahead of Johan and 8 points ahead of Zsolt.

This sets the stage for an exciting finale. Guy has the advantage and he is in a good shape: he won 10 of his last 12 matches in the championship and had a good run in the Leuven Open. Johan is not much behind and he will be desperate to keep the cup in Leuven. Zsolt needs to win all four matches to defend his title, a feat he achieved 3 times in 2014 but not once this year. In fact, we cannot exclude a tie in the final ranking in which case the number of matches won over the year will (hopefully) decide the championship.

If you want to witness (and of course play in) round 12 of the club championsip, please note that it will take place on 23 December, Wednesday!

– ZT

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