Club Championship 2015

1 Chif 44
2 Tasnadi 44
3 Segers 44
4 Van Middelem 36
5 Aries 36

Winners Leuven Open

2014 Van Herreweghen
2013 De Wilde
2012 Lamote
2011 Lamote
2010 De Wilde
2009 Van Herreweghen

Club Champions

2014 Tasnadi
2013 Segers
2012 Van Herreweghen
2011 De Wilde

Final between M. Lamote and P. van Rooijen.
Comments by P. De Wilde
Semifinal between M. Lamote and L. Palmans.
Comments by M. Lamote

Michel Lamote wins 3rd Leuven Backgammon Open

Sunday, 11 December, 2011, 9:00–18:00
University Snooker & Pool, Naamsesteenweg 253, B-3001 Heverlee
. Flyer (pdf).


Tournament sponsored by:

With collaboration of chess club Leuven Centraal, who kindly lent us their electronic clocks.


  1. Michel Lamote
  2. Paulus van Rooijen
  3. Luc Palmans
  4. Alain Chif

Each round, a match was recorded live and projected on a big screen at the bar, using equipment rented from the Province of Vlaams-Brabant. Being an officially recognised club, we could rent the equipment for free and only needed to pay for an insurance premium.

  • Tournament director: Johan Segers
  • Referee: Paulus van Rooijen
  • Match recording: Patrick De wilde

The tournament consisted of three parts:

  • Five rounds Swiss, 5-point matches
  • A hypergammon tie-break to determine the players in the "big final" and the "small final"
  • The "big final" (to determine the numbers 1 and 2) and the "small final" (to determine the numbers 3 and 4)

There were twenty-one participants.

Part I: Swiss

Ranking and Games after round 5 of 3rd Leuven Backgammon Open
No.  PNo.  Name                          R1    R2    R3    R4    R5    Score
  1.    1  Paulus van Rooijen           11w1  15b1  14w1   8b1   3w1    5.0
  2.    4  Michel Lamote                14b0  18w1  12b1  21w1  16b1    4.0
        5  Luc Palmans                  15w0  11b1  13w1  14b1   8w1    4.0
  4.    3  Toon Van Herreweghen         13w1  19b1  21w0   6b1   1b0    3.0
        8  Maly Hosseinpour             18b1  12w1  16b1   1w0   5b0    3.0
       16  Henri Pollet                  6w1   2b1   8w0  10b1   4w0    3.0
       21  Nadia Falise                    +   7w1   3b1   4b0   6w0    3.0
       13  Geert van der Stricht         3b0   9w1   5b0  15w1   7b1    3.0
       19  Annick Hasdenteufel           9b1   3w0   7b1  12w0  18b1    3.0
        6  Patrick De Wilde             16b0  20w1  15b1   3w0  21b1    3.0
        9  Sassan Kachanian             19w0  13b0  11w1  17b1  14w1    3.0
       10  Alain Chif                   20b1  14w0  17b1  16w0  12b1    3.0
 13.   14  Majid Aghajani                4w1  10b1   1b0   5w0   9b0    2.0
       15  Peter Allemeersch             5b1   1w0   6w0  13b0  20w1    2.0
       12  Zsolt Tasnadi                 2w1   8b0   4w0  19b1  10w0    2.0
       18  Marc Van Haverbeke            8w0   4b0   2w1  11b1  19w0    2.0
        7  Guy Van Middelem             17w1  21b0  19w0  20b1  13w0    2.0
        2  Johan Segers                 12b0  16w0  18b0     +  17w1    2.0
 19.   11  Ken Shibata                   1b0   5w0   9b0  18w0     +    1.0
       20  Didier Pyck                  10w0   6b0     +   7w0  15b0    1.0
       17  Dirk Laureyssens              7b0     +  10w0   9w0   2b0    1.0

Each round, one match was recorded on video and transcribed on computer by Patrick De Wilde. In addition, Luc Palmans wrote down his own matches too -- while playing with the clock!.

  • R1: Ken Shibata vs. Paulus van Rooijen [*.mat | *.sgf]
  • R1: Peter Allemeersch vs. Luc Palmans [*.xg]
  • R2: Peter Allemeersch vs. Paulus van Rooijen [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg]
  • R2: Luc Palmans vs. Ken Shibata [*.xg]
  • R3: Henri Pollet vs. Maly Hosseinpour [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg]
  • R3: Luc Palmans vs. Geert Van der Stricht [*.xg]
  • R4: Patrick De Wilde vs. Toon Van Herreweghen [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg]
  • R4: Luc Palmans vs. Majid Afghajani [*.xg]
  • R5: Toon Van Herreweghen vs. Paulus van Rooijen [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg]
  • R5: Luc Palmans vs. Maly Hosseinpour [*.xg]

Part II: Hypergammon tiebreak

From the above ranking, the top four players had to be determined. Numbers 1 and 2 would play the "big final", deciding between the 1st and 2nd place, and numbers 3 and 4 would play the "small final", deciding between the 3rd and 4th place.

Paulus van Rooijen being the only player with 5/5 was already assured of a seat in the "big final". The other seat in the big final was to be decided by a 3-point match at blitz speed (4 minutes for the match plus 12 seconds per move) between Michel Lamote en Luc Palmans, both with 4/5. After a fierce battle with mutual extreme time pressure, Michel won the match, sending Luc to the "small final". Despite the speed, the level of play was quite reasonable. [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg].

Finally, the remaining seat in the small final had to be decided among the nine (!) players with 3/5. Alain Chif fought his way up from an unfavourable spot in the draw (determined by the resistance points after Part I) by winning 4 hypergammons in a row (Clock: 1 minute per game plus 12 seconds per move).

Hypergammon single elimination to determine the seat in the "small final"

        Maly---       |
                      |      |
        Henri--       |      |
               =Henri-       |
        Nadia--              |
        Geert--              |
               =Geert-       |
        Annick-       |      |
                      |      |
        Patrick       |
Sassan-        =Alain-

Part III: Big final and small final

5-point match (12 minutes for the match, 12 seconds per move)

  • Big Final: 1. Michel Lamote, 2. Paulus van Rooijen [*.mat | *.sgf | *.xg]
  • Small Final: 3. Luc Palmans, 4. Alain Chif [*.xg]