Club Championship 2015

1 Chif 44
2 Tasnadi 44
3 Segers 44
4 Van Middelem 36
5 Aries 36

Winners Leuven Open

2014 Van Herreweghen
2013 De Wilde
2012 Lamote
2011 Lamote
2010 De Wilde
2009 Van Herreweghen

Club Champions

2014 Tasnadi
2013 Segers
2012 Van Herreweghen
2011 De Wilde
Leuven Centraal

4th Leuven Backgammon Open
1ste Leuven Junior Cup

Sunday, October 28, 2012
University Snooker & Pool, Hertogstraat 88, B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Prizes sponsored by
Electronic clocks kindly made available by chess club Leuven Centraal

4th Leuven Open & 1st Junior Cup

4th Leuven Backgammon Open

These were the winners of the marvellous chocolate trophies, kindly offered by Liévin Vandenplas, owner of the University Snooker & Pool:

  1. Michel LAMOTE
  2. Johan SEGERS
  3. Marius HENTEA

Some matches were recorded and uploaded on Youtube. Check out the videos.

Part I: Swiss tournament

Five rounds, 5-point matches. Clock: Bronstein, 12 minutes bank time plus 12 seconds per move.

Each round, one match has been recorded on video. These movies are available upon request, and some will be uploaded on Youtube. The following matches have been recorded:

  1. Fakhri Salasi - Akbar Soltani [*.sgf | *.xg]
  2. Guy Van Middelem - Michel Lamote [*.sgf | *.xg]
  3. Zsolt Tasnadi - Hans Artels [*.sgf | *.xg]
  4. Geert Van der Stricht - Steven Steeno [*.sgf | *.xg]
  5. Johan Segers - Thomas Koehn [*.sgf | *.xg]

How to read the table below: in Round 1 (R1), Johan Segers wins (+) from Frieda Berns (player nr 1).

No.  PNo.  Name                          R1   R2   R3   R4   R5   Score
  1.   20  Johan SEGERS                  1+   5+   9+  19+   7+   5/5
  2.    8  Michel LAMOTE                13+  18-  17+  14+  19+   4/5
        6  Marius HENTEA                15+  19-  16+  18+   3+   4/5
  4.   18  Guy VAN MIDDELEM              3+   8+   4+   6-   2-   3/5
        3  Patrick DE WILDE             18-  13+  11+   1+   6-   3/5
       14  Zsolt TASNADI                 7+  11+  19-   8-   4+   3/5
        2  Alain CHIF                   19-  15-  13+  17+  18+   3/5
       19  Hans ARTELS                   2+   6+  14+  20-   8-   3/5
        7  Thomas KOEHN                 14-  10+   5+   9+  20-   3/5
        9  Henri POLLET                 12+  17+  20-   7-  15+   3/5
       11  Akbar SOLTANI                10+  14-   3-   5+   1+   3/5
 12.   15  Geert VAN DER STRICHT         6-   2+   1-  12+   9-   2/5
        1  Frieda BERNS                 20-  16+  15+   3-  11-   2/5
        4  Joeri DEKONINCK              17-  12+  18-  16+  14-   2/5
       12  Steven STEENO                 9-   4-  10+  15-   5+   2/5
       17  Marc VAN HAVERBEKE            4+   9-   8-   2-  10+   2/5
 17.    5  Geert DOOMS                  16+  20-   7-  11-  12-   1/5
       13  Lieve STROOBANTS              8-   3-   2-  10-  16+   1/5
       10  Fakhri SALASI                11-   7-  12-  13+  17-   1/5
 20.   16  Boy VAN GELLECOM              5-   1-   6-   4-  13-   0/5
Part II: Hypergammon tie-break

Hypergammon is the backgammon equivalent of penalty shoot-outs in football. Hypergammon is played with only three checkers per player, on the 24-, 23-, and 22-points; the remaining 12 checkers have already been borne off. The usual backgammon rules apply.

Being the only player with 5/5, Johan is assured of a place in the final.

The two players with 4/5, Michel and Marius, fight out a hypergammon duel for the remaining seat in the big final. Michel wins, but Marius can still compete for a chocolate trophy in the small final.

The eight players with 3/5 then have to battle for the second seat in the small final. They play a single-elimination hypergammon tournament, in which Zsolt emerges as the winner.

Time control: Bronstein, 1 minute bank time plus 12 seconds per move.

Patrick ==> Patrick
                     ==> Zsolt
Zsolt   ==> Zsolt
                               ==> Zsolt
Thomas  ==> Hans
                     ==> Henri
Henri   ==> Henri
Part III: Big and Small Final

7-point matches. Bronstein, bank time 14 minutes plus 12 seconds per move.

Big Final (places 1 and 2):
Johan SEGERS - Michel LAMOTE 0-1 [*.sgf | *.xg]
The match is decided on double match point, with extreme time pressure on both sides. One of Johan's checkers gets trapped on the bar, and this proves lethal. Congratulations, Michel!
Small final (places 3 and 4):
Marius HENTEA - Zsolt TASNADI 1-0

1st Leuven Junior Cup

Toernooiformaat: iedereen speelt tegen iedereen, 2-punt matchen, zonder cube, gammons tellen!

We waren reuzeblij de volgende zes junioren te mogen verwelkomen: Anaïs, Eli, Jolien, Ruben, Sam, en Ward. Wie weet was dit wel het eerste backgammon jeugdtoernooi op Belgische bodem.

Samen spelen was belangrijker dan winnen, en de sterkere spelers/speelsters waren niet te beroerd om hun tegenstanders tijdens de matchen zelf tips te geven. Daar kunnen de grote mensen nog iets van leren!

Na vijf rondes was Jolien als enige met 4/5 al verzekerd van goud. Ruben en Ward, elk met 3/5, vochtten het nog uit in een extra match voor de tweede en de derde plaats: Ruben won en kreeg zilver, Ward haalde brons. Natuurlijk kregen ook Anaïs, Eli, en Sam een welverdiende medaille.

Een bijzonder hartelijke dank aan de Heer en Mevrouw Soltani, die de junioren tracteerden op de lunch en die ook de medailles en prijzen sponsorden.