1 | Chif | 44 |
2 | Tasnadi | 44 |
3 | Segers | 44 |
4 | Van Middelem | 36 |
5 | Aries | 36 |
2014 | Van Herreweghen |
2013 | De Wilde |
2012 | Lamote |
2011 | Lamote |
2010 | De Wilde |
2009 | Van Herreweghen |
2014 | Tasnadi |
2013 | Segers |
2012 | Van Herreweghen |
2011 | De Wilde |
Sunday, October 28, 2012
University Snooker & Pool, Hertogstraat 88, B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven)
Prizes sponsored by Marchand.be
Electronic clocks kindly made available by chess club Leuven Centraal
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4th Leuven Open & 1st Junior Cup |
These were the winners of the marvellous chocolate trophies, kindly offered by Liévin Vandenplas, owner of the University Snooker & Pool:
Some matches were recorded and uploaded on Youtube. Check out the videos.
How to read the table below: in Round 1 (R1), Johan Segers wins (+) from Frieda Berns (player nr 1).
No. PNo. Name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 20 Johan SEGERS 1+ 5+ 9+ 19+ 7+ 5/5 2. 8 Michel LAMOTE 13+ 18- 17+ 14+ 19+ 4/5 6 Marius HENTEA 15+ 19- 16+ 18+ 3+ 4/5 4. 18 Guy VAN MIDDELEM 3+ 8+ 4+ 6- 2- 3/5 3 Patrick DE WILDE 18- 13+ 11+ 1+ 6- 3/5 14 Zsolt TASNADI 7+ 11+ 19- 8- 4+ 3/5 2 Alain CHIF 19- 15- 13+ 17+ 18+ 3/5 19 Hans ARTELS 2+ 6+ 14+ 20- 8- 3/5 7 Thomas KOEHN 14- 10+ 5+ 9+ 20- 3/5 9 Henri POLLET 12+ 17+ 20- 7- 15+ 3/5 11 Akbar SOLTANI 10+ 14- 3- 5+ 1+ 3/5 12. 15 Geert VAN DER STRICHT 6- 2+ 1- 12+ 9- 2/5 1 Frieda BERNS 20- 16+ 15+ 3- 11- 2/5 4 Joeri DEKONINCK 17- 12+ 18- 16+ 14- 2/5 12 Steven STEENO 9- 4- 10+ 15- 5+ 2/5 17 Marc VAN HAVERBEKE 4+ 9- 8- 2- 10+ 2/5 17. 5 Geert DOOMS 16+ 20- 7- 11- 12- 1/5 13 Lieve STROOBANTS 8- 3- 2- 10- 16+ 1/5 10 Fakhri SALASI 11- 7- 12- 13+ 17- 1/5 20. 16 Boy VAN GELLECOM 5- 1- 6- 4- 13- 0/5
Hypergammon is the backgammon equivalent of penalty shoot-outs in football. Hypergammon is played with only three checkers per player, on the 24-, 23-, and 22-points; the remaining 12 checkers have already been borne off. The usual backgammon rules apply.
Being the only player with 5/5, Johan is assured of a place in the final.
The two players with 4/5, Michel and Marius, fight out a hypergammon duel for the remaining seat in the big final. Michel wins, but Marius can still compete for a chocolate trophy in the small final.
The eight players with 3/5 then have to battle for the second seat in the small final. They play a single-elimination hypergammon tournament, in which Zsolt emerges as the winner.
Time control: Bronstein, 1 minute bank time plus 12 seconds per move.
Guy Patrick ==> Patrick ==> Zsolt Zsolt ==> Zsolt Alain ==> Zsolt Hans Thomas ==> Hans ==> Henri Henri ==> Henri Akbar
7-point matches. Bronstein, bank time 14 minutes plus 12 seconds per move.
Big Final (places 1 and 2): Johan SEGERS - Michel LAMOTE 0-1 [*.sgf | *.xg] The match is decided on double match point, with extreme time pressure on both sides. One of Johan's checkers gets trapped on the bar, and this proves lethal. Congratulations, Michel! |
Small final (places 3 and 4): Marius HENTEA - Zsolt TASNADI 1-0 |
Toernooiformaat: iedereen speelt tegen iedereen, 2-punt matchen, zonder cube, gammons tellen!
We waren reuzeblij de volgende zes junioren te mogen verwelkomen: Anaïs, Eli, Jolien, Ruben, Sam, en Ward. Wie weet was dit wel het eerste backgammon jeugdtoernooi op Belgische bodem. |
Een bijzonder hartelijke dank aan de Heer en Mevrouw Soltani, die de junioren tracteerden op de lunch en die ook de medailles en prijzen sponsorden.