1 | Chif | 44 |
2 | Tasnadi | 44 |
3 | Segers | 44 |
4 | Van Middelem | 36 |
5 | Aries | 36 |
2014 | Van Herreweghen |
2013 | De Wilde |
2012 | Lamote |
2011 | Lamote |
2010 | De Wilde |
2009 | Van Herreweghen |
2014 | Tasnadi |
2013 | Segers |
2012 | Van Herreweghen |
2011 | De Wilde |
Saturday, 20 November 2010, 10:00–22:00
University Snooker & Pool, Naamsesteenweg 253, B-3001 Heverlee
With or without doubling cube: play the way you enjoy most!
Tournament sponsored by Marchand.be. Backgammonshop on site!
The match on center court was projected on big screen, with live commentary.
The exciting hypergammon 3rd place tie-breaker between Walter Meuwis (left) vs. Elif Memis (right). Clock: Bronstein, 1 min/game plus 12 sec/move
The game on Youtube
The final 7-point match between Henri Pollet (left) vs. Patrick De Wilde (right). Clock: Bronstein, 12 min/match plus 12 sec/move
The match on Youtube
After 6 rounds, both Henri and Patrick had won 5 matches out of 6. To break the tie, a final 7-point match was played on center court and recorded on camera. The match was projected on a big screen, around which the remaining players had gathered to follow and kibitz the fight. They witnessed an interesting confrontation, where Henri was plagued by bad luck and fatigue, while Patrick seemed to be perfectly in control. Replay the match, annotated by Paulus van Rooijen. You can also watch the match on Youtube.
But before the final match, another tie, for the 3rd place, had to be settled, between Elif and Walter. They played an exciting hypergammon game (clock: 1 minute plus 12 seconds per move). At some point, Walter managed to dance on Elif's 1-point board by rolling double 3... Replay the game, won by Elif, who played very well, even though it was her first hypergammon. You can also watch the game on Youtube.
Full results
Rank PNo. Name R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Score ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. 4 De Wilde, Patrick 11+ 9+ 7- 5+ 10+ 3+ 5 2. 7 Pollet, Henri 14+ 10+ 4+ 13+ 8+ 5- 5 3. 10 Memis, Elif 3+ 7- 1+ 11+ 4- 8+ 4 4. 5 Meuwis, Walter 12+ 8+ 13- 4- 6+ 7+ 4 5. 13 Hasdenteufel, Annick 6+ 2+ 5+ 7- 3- 9- 3 8 Tasnadi, Zsolt 1+ 5- 3+ 9+ 7- 10- 3 3 Palmans, Luc 10- 14+ 8- 2+ 13+ 4- 3 9 Van Haverbeke, Marc 2+ 4- 6+ 8- 14- 13+ 3 6 Kyrkos, Laky 13- 11+ 9- 1+ 5- 12+ 3 2 van Rooijen, Paulus 9- 13- 12+ 3- 1+ 11+ 3 11. 11 Haddad, Selim 4- 6- 14+ 10- 12+ 2- 2 14 Falise, Nadia 7- 3- 11- 12+ 9+ 1- 2 1 Van Herreweghen, Toon 8- 12+ 10- 6- 2- 14+ 2 14. 12 Marsman, John 5- 1- 2- 14- 11- 6- 0
The de facto final between Lieve Stroobants and Eric Wauters was a match to 7 points played with doubling cube and clock. Congratulations to Eric for his first backgammon tournament victory!
Lieve's two sons, Sam and Ward, had a great time in their first backgammon tournament as well. In the last round, big brother Ward imposed himself on little brother Sam. We hope that they have caught the backgammon virus and that they will spread it out among their friends...
Full results
| L V W E S H | Score | Rank -------------------------------------------- Lieve | . L L E L L | 4/5 | 2 Veronique | L . V V S V | 3/5 | 3 Ward | L V . E W H | 1/5 | 5 Eric | E V E . E E | 4/5 | 1 Sam | L S W E . H | 1/5 | 6 Hans | L V H E H . | 2/5 | 4