Results Vesalius Challenge

Six players participated in the Vesalius challenge at the 7th Leuven Open, for a total of 6 x 6 = 36 matches, at €2 stake per match, so €72. For each match a performance rating (PR) was computed using eXtremeGammon. To each PR, a score between 0 and 2 was calculated:

  • PR > 6 : score = 0
  • PR < 4 : score = 2
  • 4 < PR < 6 : score = 6 – PR

The pay-off for each player is proportional to the total score obtained by that player.

The results are to be found in the following table: Results Vesalius challenge. The matches are available for download and further analysis too:

The highest scores were for Paul van Dijke, Michel Lamote, and Guy Van Middelem. No coincidence perhaps that these gentlemen also constitute the Brugge team, winner of the 4 Cubes 2015?

Remark: in his match with Zsolt Tasnadi, Michel Lamote lost on time. Since losing on time costs tons of equity, this has been taken into account as a “resignation error”.

Thanks to all participants for having joined this fun an instructive experiment.

— Johan

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Member meeting, Mon Dec 14, 19:30, in Café Sport, Leuven

All members, future members, and friends of the Backgammon Club Leuven are cordially invited to the next member meeting on Monday, December 14, at 19:30 in Café Sport, Martelarenplein 13, 3000 Leuven. After the meeting you can stay to play some friendly games.

Please drop us a line of you plan to participate: Your suggestions and ideas are very welcome!


  1. Bilan budget BCL npo
  2. Membership fee 2016
  3. 4th Friday:
    • how to attract more people?
    • new location?
  4. Website – Facebook
  5. 4 Cubes 2016: Who wants to play? How many teams? (25€ per team)
  6. Member events (on Wednesday?)
  7. Special event (excursion, other?)
  8. 8th Open Leuven
  9. Zocalo participation (June)
  10. AOB

— Johan

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Double Brussels victory at 7th Leuven Open

An Iranian derby at the 7th Leuven Open.

An Iranian derby at the 7th Leuven Open.

Twenty-eight players enjoyed the view and the catering at the beautiful Abdijmolen in Heverlee during the 7th Leuven Open on Sunday, November 29, 2015 (announcement). We played upstairs, in the two “Gottfried” rooms, and we were assisted by the very friendly staff of the venue.

Four players having 5 out 6: Robin Bilderbeek (2nd prize), Johan Brisaert (1st prize), Guy Van Middelem (showing Elkie), and Zsolt Tasnadi (3rd prize).

Four players having 5 out 6: Robin Bilderbeek (2nd prize), Johan Brisaert (1st prize), Guy Van Middelem (showing Elkie), and Zsolt Tasnadi (3rd prize).

After six rounds (Swiss format, 5-point matches), four players had scored 5 points, and the mutual results between those four players did not help to rank them any further. Swiss tie-break rules then had to be applied to arrive at the final ranking:

  1. Johan Brisaert (Brussels)
  2. Robin Bilderbeek (Gent)
  3. Zsolt Tasnadi (Brussels)
  4. Guy Van Middelem (Brugge)

Please see below for the detailed results.

The Brussels team winning the Fonske challenge: Alain Chif, Zsolt Tasnadi, Nabil Antoun, Maurits Pino, Liliane Baptista, Johan Brisaert, and Kristoffer De Weert.

The Brussels team winning the Fonske challenge: Alain Chif, Zsolt Tasnadi, Nabil Antoun, Maurits Pino, Liliane Baptista, Johan Brisaert, and Kristoffer De Weert.

In addition, the Brussels team won the Fonske challenge, the Brussels players scoring a total of 18 victories against players from other clubs. Second team was Brugge, whose four players still scored 16 victories against players from other clubs, a very strong result. Third team was Leuven with 14 victories; Gent and Hasselt scored 10 and 8 victories respectively.

Michel LLamote giving a backgammon lecture to the participants of the 7th Leuven Open.

Michel Lamote giving a backgammon lecture to the participants of the 7th Leuven Open.

At lunch time, Belgium’s number one player Michel Lamote (Brugge) gave a lecture about basic principles in backgammon. To prepare for the lecture, participants were invited to think about a set of exercices, taken from recent live games between Belgian players. You can hereby download the exercices and the slides.

Finally, six players competed in the Vesalius challenge, fighting not only for the best result but also for the highest playing accuracy, as measured by an analysis of the match records by a computer program. The results will be announced later, after all analyses have been completed.

Thank you to all participants for having joined us for a great backgammon day!

— JS

Ranking and Games after round 6 of 7th Leuven Open
No. PNo.  Name               R1    R2    R3    R4    R5     R6  T
 1.  7  Johan Brisaert      21w1   8b1  25w1  22b1   6b1  26w0  5
     6  Robin Bilderbeek    26w1  29b1  11w1   9b1   7w0   4w1  5
    23  Zsolt Tasnadi       11w0  18b1   8w1  16w1  22b1  24w1  5
    26  Guy Van Middelem     6b0   5w1  14b1   4w1   9w1   7b1  5
 5. 24  Paul van Dijke      12w1  22b0  13w1   2b1  25w1  23b0  4
    22  Marc Steyvers        2b1  24w1  17b1   7w0  23w0  13b1  4
    11  Kristoffer De Weert 23b1  16w1   6b0  20w1  14b0  27w1  4
    16  Michel Lamote       18w1  11b0   1w1  23b0  15w1  25w1  4
     2  Eric Aries          22w0  12b1  27w1  24w0  20b1   9w1  4
     8  Alain Chif          17b1   7w0  23b0   3w1   5b1  14b1  4
11. 14  Nadia Falise        27w1  25b0  26w0  29b1  11w1   8w0  3
     4  Rudy Bertels        15w1  13b1   9w0  26b0   1w1   6b0  3
     9  Ronny Conaert        1b1  19w1   4b1   6w0  26b0   2b0  3
    25  Marc Van Haverbeke  20b1  14w1   7b0  19w1  24b0  16b0  3
    13  Fakhri Salasi        3b1   4w0  24b0  12w1  19b1  22w0  3
    12  Geert Dooms         24b0   2w0  21w1  13b0  17b1  19w1  3
    29  Nick De Ruyck        5b1   6w0  20b0  14w0   3b1   1w1  3
    15  Sassan Kachanian     4b0   3w1  19b0  17w1  16b0  20b1  3
19. 20  Henri Pollet        25w0  27b1  29w1  11b0   2w0  15w0  2
    18  Luc Palmans         16b0  23w0   5b1   1b0  27w0  17w1  2
     5  Hennie Bilderbeek   29w0  26b0  18w0  21b1   8w0  30w1  2
    19  Maurits Pino        30w1   9b0  15w1  25b0  13w0  12b0  2
     1  Nabil Antoun         9w0  30b1  16b0  18w1   4b0  29b0  2
    27  Paulus van Rooijen  14b0  20w0   2b0  30w1  18b1  11b0  2
    21  Akbar Soltani        7b0  17w0  12b0   5w0  30b1   3w1  2
26. 17  Christof Nuyttens    8w0  21b1  22w0  15b0  12w0  18b0  1
     3  Liliane Baptista    13w0  15b0  30w1   8b0  29w0  21b0  1
28. 30  Nader K Rad         19b0   1w0   3b0  27b0  21w0   5b0  0


Ranking after round 6 o 7th Leuven Open
No.  PNo.  Name                       Score WP    SB     PS   
  1.    7  Johan Brisaert              5.0  23.0  18.00  20.0 
        6  Robin Bilderbeek            5.0  23.0  18.00  19.0 
       23  Zsolt Tasnadi               5.0  22.0  18.00  15.0 
       26  Guy Van Middelem            5.0  21.0  16.00  15.0 
  5.   24  Paul van Dijke              4.0  22.0  13.00  15.0 
       22  Marc Steyvers               4.0  22.0  12.00  16.0 
       11  Kristoffer De Weert         4.0  21.0  13.00  15.0 
       16  Michel Lamote               4.0  19.0  10.00  13.0 
        2  Eric Aries                  4.0  18.0  10.00  12.0 
        8  Alain Chif                  4.0  17.0   7.00  12.0 
 11.   14  Nadia Falise                3.0  21.0   9.00  11.0 
        4  Rudy Bertels                3.0  21.0   8.00  13.0 
        9  Ronny Conaert               3.0  21.0   7.00  15.0 
       25  Marc Van Haverbeke          3.0  20.0   7.00  14.0 
       13  Fakhri Salasi               3.0  17.0   6.00  11.0 
       12  Geert Dooms                 3.0  16.0   5.00   7.0 
       29  Nick De Ruyck               3.0  15.0   5.00   9.0 
       15  Sassan Kachanian            3.0  13.0   4.00   9.0 
 19.   20  Henri Pollet                2.0  19.0   5.00   9.0 
       18  Luc Palmans                 2.0  16.0   3.00   5.0 
        5  Hennie Bilderbeek           2.0  16.0   2.00   4.0 
       19  Maurits Pino                2.0  15.0   3.00  10.0 
        1  Nabil Antoun                2.0  15.0   2.00   8.0 
       27  Paulus van Rooijen          2.0  15.0   2.00   5.0 
       21  Akbar Soltani               2.0  12.0   1.00   3.0 
 26.   17  Christof Nuyttens           1.0  18.0   2.00   5.0 
        3  Liliane Baptista            1.0  15.0   0.00   4.0 
 28.   30  Nader K Rad                 0.0  11.0   0.00   0.0
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B.C.L.’s 4th Friday, Nov 27, in de Vaart

Dag 11 van het Leuvens clubkampioenschap 2015 vindt plaats op vrijdag 27 november in “De Vaart”. Het toernooiformaat is Zwitsers, 4 rondes, matchen tot 5. Gratis deelname. Praktische info hieronder.

La 11ième journée du championnat de Louvain 2015 se déroule le vendredi 27 novembre à “De Vaart”. Le format est suisse, 4 tours, matches à 5. Participation gratuite. Infos pratiques ci-dessous.

Day 11 of the Leuven club championship 2015 takes place on Friday, November 27, in “De Vaart”. Tournament format is Swiss, 4 rounds, 5-point matches. Free entry. Practical information below.

* Fri Nov 27, 20:00, Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele.

Announcing your arrival to Johan facilitates the pairings, but even unannounced you’re always most welcome, at any time. Arriving before 20:00 guarantees you can participate from the 1st round on. Arriving late? No problem: just call. Contact: +32 (0)494 29 44 60,

Next events:

On behalf of the Backgammon Club Leuven,

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Henri challenges the leaders

This year’s Club Championship seems to have become the private tournament of the four leaders, Alain, Guy, Johan and Zsolt. In fact, in the October 23 tournament Henri was the only one who dared to face them. He did that in style, defeating Guy and Zsolt in the first and second rounds but was stopped by Johan in his next match.

Alain will want to forget this night as soon as possible. After a bye in the first round, he played Johan, leading 3:2, and was about to win the match with a gammon. However, Johan managed to hit and contain Alain’s very last checker and won the game. Things went from bad to worse: Alain lost the match on time and then repeated this feat in the last match with Zsolt…

Johan was close to winning his third Leuven tournament this year. However, after three wins, he lost to Guy in the last round. As a result, the standing remained tight: Guy leads by only 4 points ahead of Johan and Zsolt. Alain fell behind but is still within sight.

Henri Pollet (White) vs Guy Van Middelem (Black), 2-4 Crawford in a 5-point match. Guy to play 21. The match seems all but over, but...

Henri Pollet (White) vs Guy Van Middelem (Black), 2-4 Crawford in a 5-point match. Guy to play 21. The match seems all but over, but…

This is a position from the match of Guy and Henri. Guy (playing black) rolled 21 and played 5/2. According to computer analysis, 6/3 is marginally better but the difference is really insignificant. In any case, Guy remains a big favourite after any play. This didn’t prevent Henri to win the game with the help of a well-timed 55 and then he went on to win the match.


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Club Championship 2015, round 12, on Wed Dec 23 in de Vaart

The 4th Friday of December being Christmas Day, we needed to find a different date for round 12 of the Club Championship 2015. A Doodle was launched among the regular players, and the date finally retained was Wednesday, December 23, in the usual location, Sport & Squash Club de Vaart in Wilsele.

— JS

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B.C.L.’s Fourth Friday, Fri Oct 23, in De Vaart

Dag 10 van het Leuvens clubkampioenschap 2015 vindt plaats op vrijdag 23 oktober in “De Vaart”. Het toernooiformaat is Zwitsers, 4 rondes, matchen tot 5. Gratis deelname. Praktische info hieronder.

La 10ième journée du championnat de Louvain 2015 se déroule le vendredi 23 octobre à “De Vaart”. Le format est suisse, 4 tours, matches à 5. Participation gratuite. Infos pratiques ci-dessous.

Day 10 of the Leuven club championship 2015 takes place on Friday, October 23, in “De Vaart”. Tournament format is Swiss, 4 rounds, 5-point matches. Free entry. Practical information below.

* Fri Oct 23, 20:00, Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele.

Announcing your arrival to Johan facilitates the pairings, but even unannounced you’re always most welcome, at any time. Arriving before 20:00 guarantees you can participate from the 1st round on. Arriving late? No problem: just call. Contact: +32 (0)494 29 44 60,

* Sat Oct 31 : 3th Brussels Backgammon Day

On behalf of the Backgammon Club Leuven,

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7th Leuven Open, 29 Nov 2015: Register Now

Abdijmolen New venue: Brasserie de Abdijmolen, Abdij van Park 4, 3001 Heverlee.

  • Swiss tournament (6 rounds, 5-point matches)
  • Lunch lecture by Michel Lamote
  • Club contest ‘Fonske Challenge’
  • PR contest ‘Vesalius Challenge’

[ Full announcement ] [ Flyer ]

Please register by the online registration form.
Reduced fee (€27) if you pay before November 26. After that date, the fee is €30, to be paid in cash the day itself.
Small breakfast and lunch included.

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Where is Everybody?

As usual, there has been a drop in the number of participants during summer but, mysteriously, the trend continued into the autumn: only 7 players gathered in the September tournament, with Miguer joining us for the last round. Considering that half a year ago we had up to 18 participants, this is rather disappointing; let’s hope it is just a temporary decline. In any case, those who were present (including Lieve who showed up after a long absence) had a good time and some exciting matches.

Guy was back after missing the July and August tournaments. He had a tiring week after coming back from the European Championship in Budapest on an unhumanely early flight on Monday morning but he left no room for doubt that he is a contender for this year’s title: he won all four matches, beating the three leaders of the championship ranking on the way. He jumped to the top of the ranking, joined by Zsolt who scored an important victory over Johan in the last round. The standing in the Club Championship 2015 remains very tight, with Alain and Johan trailing by only 4 points.

Alain (White) vs Guy, 1-4 Crawford. Alain to play 55.  Shift or block or ... ?

Alain (White) vs Guy, 1-4 post-Crawford. Alain to play 55. Shift or block or … ?

This is a position from the match of Alain and Guy played in the first round. After a late hit, Alain (playing white) had good chances to win this game and stay in the match. However, an unlucky 5/5 upset his plans. After the match, Guy and Alain discussed vividly whether it is better to hit (7/2(2) 6/1*(2)) or keep the black checker on the 1-point (12/2 7/2(2)). In both cases, black needs a 6 to escape but in the first case white may have another shot with the checker left on the 12-point. Probably this is the reason that, according to computer analysis, hitting is significantly better. But watch out, there is an even better play! It is easy to overlook 12/2 7/2 6/1*. It leaves 2 blots in white’s homeboard; if black dances, white has good chances to cover the 6-point while if he is hit, he will have a shot at black’s blot on the 24-point. This bold play gives the highest chance of winning the game (28%)!

— ZT

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B.C.L.’s Fourth Friday, September 25, in De Vaart

Dag 9 van het Leuvens clubkampioenschap 2015 vindt plaats op vrijdag 25 september in “De Vaart”. Het toernooiformaat is Zwitsers, 4 rondes, matchen tot 5. Gratis deelname. Praktische info hieronder.

La 9ième journée du championnat de Louvain 2015 se déroule le vendredi 25 septembre, à “De Vaart”. Le format est suisse, 4 tours, matches à 5. Participation gratuite. Infos pratiques ci-dessous.

Day 9 of the Leuven club championship 2015 takes place on Friday, September 25, in “De Vaart”. Tournament format is Swiss, 4 rounds, 5-point matches. Free entry. Practical information below.

The player having the most points after the December tournament will be the 2015 Backgammon Club Leuven champion, successor of Zsolt Tasnadi. In case of a tie, the title will go to the player having the overall maximum number of wins.

Fri Sep 25, 20:00, “De Vaart” : Leuven’s Fourth Friday
Announcing your arrival to Johan facilitates the pairings, but even unannounced you’re always most welcome, at any time. Arriving before 20:00 guarantees you can participate from the 1st round on. Arriving late? No problem: just call. Contact: +32 (0)494 29 44 60,

“De Vaart” : Sport & Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele

On behalf of the Backgammon Club Leuven,

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