Serge Alard (and Guy Van Middelem) is first of 32 participants at the 9th Leuven Open

Individual tournament

Ranking after round 7 of 9th Leuven Open
No.  PNo.  Name                  Score WP    SB     PS  
  1.   13  Serge Alard            6.0  27.0  21.00  27.0
       20  Guy Van Middelem       6.0  24.0  20.00  21.0
  3.   15  Kristoffer De Weert    5.0  26.0  18.00  18.0
       14  Paul van Dijke         5.0  24.0  16.00  20.0
       12  Nader K. Rad           5.0  21.0  14.00  15.0
       22  Leonidas Sotiriadis    5.0  21.0  13.00  16.0
  7.   32  Johan Segers           4.0  30.0  13.00  19.0
        4  Johan Brisaert         4.0  27.0  14.00  19.0
       21  Luc Palmans            4.0  25.0  14.00  17.0
       31  Ronny Conaert          4.0  25.0  10.00  21.0
        6  Christof Nuyttens      4.0  24.5  13.00  11.0
        2  Henri Pollet           4.0  24.0  16.00  14.0
        8  Rudy Bertels           4.0  24.0  11.00  17.0
       23  Akbar Soltani          4.0  23.0  12.00  15.0
        5  Sonja Custers          4.0  20.5   8.00  10.0
 16.   29  Zsolt Tasnadi          3.0  31.0   9.00  16.0
       28  Michel Lamote          3.0  28.0  10.00  11.0
       26  Jalal Pourmousavi      3.0  26.0   9.00  17.0
       18  Dan Pascu              3.0  25.0   9.00  12.0
        7  Jan Wildiers           3.0  23.0   9.00  14.0
       25  Liliane Baptista       3.0  23.0   9.00  13.0
       27  Alain Chif             3.0  22.0   8.00  11.0
        3  Sassan Kachanian       3.0  21.0   6.00   8.0
       16  Mahir Yalçin           3.0  20.0   5.00  11.0
       17  Riza Yalçin            3.0  17.0   6.00   6.0
 26.   11  Paulus van Rooijen     2.0  31.0   9.00  13.0
       30  Dominique Segue        2.0  27.0   8.00  12.0
        1  Marc Van Haverbeke     2.0  26.0   5.00   9.0
       19  Metin Ates             2.0  25.0   4.00   5.0
       10  Odette Vanhorenbeek    2.0  18.0   3.00   3.0
 31.    9  Charly Gibuin          1.0  27.0   4.00   7.0
       24  Fakhri Soltani         1.0  23.0   2.00   7.0

Both Serge Alard and Guy Van Middelem scored 6 victories in 7 matches, and Guy won the mutual encounter. However, the tie-break rule fixed for the tournament was Buchholz, and so Serge came out on top. Congratulations to Serge!

For the detailed results per round, please consult the rating list (select “Leuven Open 2017” in the event menu).

Fonske challenge

For the Fonske challenge, there were three teams: Brugge, Brussels, and Leuven. For each team, the average number of points per player was calculated:

  1. Brugge: 4/7
  2. Leuven: 3.714/7
  3. Brussels: 3.5/7

A fine performance by the Brugge quartet: Michel Lamote, Guy Van Middelem, Paul van Dijke and Paulus van Rooijen. We hope you enjoyed the speculaas and the peperkoek.

Vesalius challenge

Only two players participated: Michel Lamote and Guy Van Middelem. Michel had the better PR: well played!

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Leuven Monthly 7, Sunday, September 24, 13:45, in De Vaart

Autumn is coming, and this means the Leuven Monthly tournament series will pick up again. The next two events are:

We will play three rounds. Rounds 1 and 2 will be 7-point matches, and round 3 will be a 5-point match.

Plan to come? Great! Please let us know ( or +32 494 44 60) in advance by Saturday, 19h, so that we can make the pairings. This means less waiting and more fun for everybody!

Participation is free for Leuven club member and just € 2,- for non-members.

The Leuven Monthly 7 tournament is also the first of three tournaments of the Autumn season of the Club Championship 2017. There are still two spots to earn for the play-off on Friday, December 22!

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8th Leuven BBBQ – Thank you!

Metin Ates (left) and Marc Steyvers (right), winner and finalist, respectively, of the 1st Belgian Championship 1-point Matches, on Sunday, August 20, 2017, in Korbeek-Lo

Thank you for your participation at the 8th Leuven Backgammon BBQ and the 1st Belgian Championship 1-point matches on Sunday, August 20, 2017, at Korbeek-Lo. We had a great day and we hope you did so too!

There were 31 participants from Belgium, France, Iran, the Netherlands, Roumania, and Turkey. The tournament continued until after sunset and ended in a thriller final between Metin Ates (TR) and Marc Steyvers (BE). Congratulations to Metin, the 1st Belgian Champion 1-point matches!

Some of you sended us some fine pictures (thanks!):
Album 8th Leuven BBBQ

We’re already looking forward to next year’s edition!

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Leuven Open, Sunday, November 12, and four Leuven Monthly tourneys: Save the dates!

Leuven Open

The 9th Leuven Open will take place on Sunday, November 12, 9:00-19:00, in the same venue as last year, the beautiful Brasserie De Abdijmolen, Abdij Van Park 4, 3001 Heverlee. Information and registration. Save the date!

Leuven Monthly

After a summer break, the Leuven Monthly tournaments resume in September. Dates:

  • Sunday, September 24, 13:45, in Squash Club De Vaart, Kolonel Begaultlaan 15, 3012 Wilsele
  • Sunday, October 22, 13:45, in Squash Club De Vaart
  • Friday, November 24, venue to be determined
  • Friday, December 22, venue to be determined

Two spots for the play-off of the Club Championship 2017 on December 22 are already taken: Alain Chif and Marc Van Damme. Come and play from September to November to compete for the other two spots!

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8th BBBQ and the 1st Belgian Championship 1-point matches: Tournament format and other things

Thank you to those who have registered for the 8th BBBQ and the 1st BC 1-point matches. Just a couple of things to make sure we’ll all enjoy a smooth day.

– The large majority of you has already paid the registration fee. Thanks a lot! If you haven’t done so yet, then please do so at your earliest convenience (25€ per person, everything included, to Johan Segers BE19 3300 7079 6112).

– You’re welcome Sunday, August 20, at 12:30 at the Oudebaan 126, 3360 Korbeek-Lo with plenty of appetite for a culinary barbeque prepared by Koen.

– The tournament will start at 14:30 and finish about 19:00.

– Please bring your board if you have one (no problem if you don’t).

– We’ll play in an exciting, new tournament format. There are two parts:

  1. The 27 participants are divided into 3 groups of about equal strength. Within each group, everybody plays everybody, 8 matches per player. Everybody thus gets a score between 0 and 8.
  2. All players receive as many ‘credits’ (= poker chips) as their score from part 1.
    1. Players are paired randomly. You and your opponent play two 1-point matches. Stake: 1 credit per match. If you have no more credits after the first match, you are eliminated from the tournament but can continue to enjoy free drinks and food. If you have only 1 credit after the second match, you are eliminated too.
    2. The same as the previous step, two 1-poînt matches between randomly drawn pairs of players, but now with a stake of 2 credits per match. You are eliminated as soon as you can no longer afford the stakes of the next match: you need to have at least 2 credits after the first match and at least 3 credits after the second match.
    3. The same, but with 3 credits.
    4. The same, but with 5 credits.
    5. The same, but with 8 credits.
    6. The same, but with 13 credits.

The last player to survive wins the tournament and shall receive a unique trophy, eternal fame and glory, and the title of Belgium Champion 1-Point Backgammon Matches 2017.

– We will play without clocks. However, if the tournament is running late or if matches take very long, electronic clocks may be imposed.

– We’ll close the party by a team match on BigGammon (4x3m²) between the ladies and the gentlemen. The two team captains will be the last survivors of their kind in the tournament.

Looking forward to a great day!

Johan (+32 494 29 44 60,

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8th Backgammon BBQ and 1st Belgian Championship 1-Point Matches

Final of the 7th BBBQ between Alain Chif and Liévin Vandenplas (winner) on B.C.L.’s Biggammon board

Dear friends,

Hoping for sunny weather on Sunday, August 20, 2017, the Backgammon Club Leuven is happy to invite you and your darling(s) for the 8th Backgammon BBQ and the 1st Belgian Championship 1-Point Matches, under the auspices of, the Belgian Backgammon Federation.


At Johan and Nadia’s, Oudebaan 126, 3360 Korbeek-Lo.


12:30 Welcome
13:00 Barbeque
14:30 Tournament


Tournament format is to be determined. The round robin format (everybody plays everybody), as announced previously, may take too long, given the large number of participants.

We close the event by a group consultation match on the world’s one and only (?) 4×3 m² Biggammon board.

Confirmed participants

(Last update: August 16)

Alain Chif
Alex Schrager
Christof Nuyttens
Dan Pascu
Geert Van der Stricht (BBQ only)
Guy Van Middelem
Henri Pollet
Jalal Pour Mousavi Seyed
Jan Wildiers
Jeroen Nuyts
Johan Brisaert
Johan Huyck
Johan Segers
Kristoffer De Weert
Lieve Stroobants
Liévin Vandenplas
Liliane Baptista
Luc Palmans
Metin Ates
Michel Lamote
Mrs Ates (BBQ only)
Mrs Sarmanidis (BBQ only)
Nader K. Rad
Nadia Falise
Odette Vanhorenbeek
Paul van Dijke
Paulus van Rooijen
Parisa Golshan
Sonja Custers
Théo Sarmanidis


The capacity of our house has been reached, registration is now closed (August 16). If you have registered but not yet paid, then please do so at your earliest convenience on the bank account number mentioned below.

For 25 euro (<18: 15 euro) only, you’ll enjoy a culinary barbeque by chef cook Koen Moors, an abundance of beverages, and of course some desert. Upon request, veggie meals can be provided too.

Like to join? Great! May we kindly ask you to write an email to and to pay in advance, no later than Monday, August 14, by bank transfer to

IBAN : BE19 3300 7079 6112

mentioning ‘BBBQ8’ and the number of people.

See you at the BBBQ!

Johan and Nadia
+32 494 29 44 60

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Marc Van Damme is Spring Champion 2017

After the Leuven Monthly 4, 5, 6 tournaments (April, May, June), both Marc Van Damme and Henri Pollet ended at 55 points and each had defeated the other in a 7-point match. A perfect tie. To decide upon the winner of the Spring Season, they played a 1-point match, which Marc won. Marc therefore secures the 2nd spot, after Winter Champion Alain Chif, in the semi-finals to be played on Friday, December 22. Congratulations!

The 3rd spot in the semi-finals will go to the winner of the Autumn Season (Sep-Oct-Nov), and the 4th spot to the player with the highest ranking overall.

Next tournaments:

  • Sunday, September 24, in Squash Club De Vaart
  • Sunday, October 22, in Squash Club De Vaart
  • Friday, November 24, venue to be determined
  • Friday, December 22, venue to be determined
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Leuven Monthly 6, Friday, June 23, 19:45, at the Borrestaminee

Looking for some live games of backgammon? Welcome at the Leuven Monthly 6, on Friday, June 23, at 19:45, at the Borrestaminee, Wijnenberg 2, 3360 Bierbeek (map). You can park your car at the large, free public parking of CC De Borre. To find us, enter the building and go upstairs to the Borrestaminee, which is the cafetaria of the CC De Borre.

We will play three rounds. Rounds 1 and 2 will be 7-point matches, and round 3 will be a 5-point match.

First time you participate? Great! Welcome already at 19:00, so that we can meet, talk and have a drink before the heat of the dice battles.

To help us make the pairings, we kindly ask you to register in advance by Friday, 18:00. Please do say by writing or calling to Johan at +32 (0)494 29 44 60 or

The tournament is also the third of three tournaments of the Spring season of the renewed Club Championship 2017. Even winning one season is already sufficient to make you qualify for the play-off in December.

Format: two 7-point matches and one 5-point match, with clock and cube

Registration: free for BCL members and €2 for non-members

Thank you for bringing your board and your clock if you have one.

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Club activities 2017

The dates for the club activities of the second half of 2017 are more or less fixed:

Please mark your calendar!

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Veni vidi vici

Eight players showed up at the Squash club De Vaart in Wilsele on Sunday afternoon, April 23, for the Leuven Monthly 4, which was the first round of the Spring season of the Club Championship 2017. Recall that Alain won the first season and is already qualified for the semi-final in December. As in March, Michel Lamote came all the way from Bruges to play with us. We were also happy to welcome two new players from Antwerp, Riza Yalçin and his son Mahir. In the first round, Riza, after quite an interesting match, defeated Michel. He won also in the second round against Henri, and for the third and final round, Riza had to face his son Mahir. With this third victory, Riza was the only player who won all his matches and was therefore the winner of the Leuven Monthly 4. Congratulations!!

Thank you to all participants for coming and we hope to see you all next month, Sunday May 28, at the Squash club De Vaart.


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